Healthy Lifestyles Australia Feeding Therapy Sessions



Taking the stress out of mealtimes

Picky eaters, food aversions and swallowing issues are not uncommon and can lead to stressful mealtimes and nutritional issues. Healthy Lifestyles Australia run feeding programs with a focus on helping kids become comfortable with trying new and different foods through creative play and conversation, aiming to reduce the stress commonly seen during mealtimes.

Would my child benefit from attending feeding therapy?

Feeding therapy may be beneficial if your child:

  • Is a fussy eater

  • Has poor weight gain

  • Spits out foods, vomits or gags when eating

  • Has frequent mealtime battles

  • Has difficulty transitioning from purees to solids

  • Aversion or avoidance of specific textures or nutrition groups

  • Does not eat the same meals as the rest of the family

  • Experiences meltdowns or cries during mealtimes

  • Has very limited or restricted food intake

Why do some children have difficulty eating?

There are many potential reasons why a child may have difficulty eating or restricted food intake. For some children this may be due to swallowing difficulties from birth, or other medical conditions that impact on the muscle or nerve functions. For others, this may be a sensory sensitivity, anxiety due to past choking experience or learned behaviours. Whatever the reason, Healthy Lifestyles Australia Feeding Therapy can help kids work though these challenges and improve mealtime enjoyment and safety. Our skilled team uses a variety of evidenced based methods to help children explore new foods and gradually increase their confidence.

What does a session look like?

Sessions will be held with one of our trained Dietitians. The program is offered in blocks of five treatment sessions. Sessions are held fortnightly, and it is important that you commit for the whole treatment block for optimal outcomes.



Healthy Lifestyles Australia Toowoomba Office - Suite 9, 9 Scott Street, East Toowoomba

Healthy Lifestyles Australia Ipswich Office - 43-47 Brisbane Road, Newtown


Please discuss pricing options with our reception team. If your child has available NDIS funding this may be used for the sessions. Private billing is also available and may be eligible for Medicare rebate through a care plan.

How do I book my child into the food school?

Give us a call on (07) 3088 2323 to register your interest for upcoming Feeding Therapy sessions at Healthy Lifestyles Australia. Please note an initial individual consultation will be required with a Dietitian prior to enrolling in a group program.