Public Presentations and Talks


Welcome to Healthy Lifestyles Australia, where we believe that education is the key to living a healthier, happier life. Our team of expert Dietitians, Exercise Physiologists and Diabetes Educators offer a range of tailored public speaking services and presentations to help you and your community achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

Whether you're looking for a dynamic speaker for your corporate event or a thought-provoking presentation for your community group, we've got you covered. Our team uses an evidence-based approach to deliver presentations that are informative, engaging and tailored to your audience's unique needs and interests.

Our Dietitians can provide insights on everything from meal planning and healthy eating to the latest research on nutrition and weight management. Our Exercise Physiologists can offer expert advice on exercise and physical activity to promote health and fitness, while our Diabetes Educators can provide practical tips and advice for living well with diabetes.

At Healthy Lifestyles Australia, we're passionate about empowering individuals and communities to take charge of their health and wellbeing. Contact us today to learn more about our public speaking services and how we can help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

We have presented to a range of organisations and community groups in the past including but not limited to:
- Diabetes QLD
- Diabetes Australia
- Wide Bay Sports Academy
- Queensland Academy of Sport
- Local sporting groups and organisations
- Community health groups
- Community weight loss groups and organisations
- Local gyms (Jetts, F45, Crossfit, PCYC)
- Triathlon clubs
- High performance sporting groups
- Addiction and mental health services
- Paediatric groups
- Aged care facilities
- Senior Citizen Communities
- RSL groups
- Mining organisations

Contact us directly to organise a tailored presentation for your group and to receive a free quote for services.

Public speaking presentations Dietitian Exercise Physiology Diabetes Education