Do you need allied health care more often?

While the care of an Exercise Physiologist or Dietitian is vital, sometimes it's also very important to have continual, ongoing care. When the capacity of an allied health professional doesn't allow for frequent care, it can be a great opportunity for an Allied Health Assistant to step in and lend a helping hand.

Say you have NDIS funding, and would love more support in the area of nutrition or exercise physiology. An Allied Health Assistant could be just the help you need. While you still receive the same great treatment from our qualified practitioners, you can also access ongoing support from the Allied Health Assistant to keep you going on the right track, and provide support and motivation along the way, with a hands-on approach.

For example, if a Dietitian has created a meal plan, but you would love some support in choosing the ingredients at the grocery store, or actually stepping into the kitchen to make the meal, an Allied Health Assistant could walk beside you in the process. They can give you a peace of mind in making the right choices, and to ensure it is an enjoyable, safe experience for you.

Or perhaps your Exercise Physiologist has asked you to implement an exercise program, but you're struggling to find the motivation to get started. An Allied Health Assistant could be the smiling face and encouraging voice to gently push you forwards in your health care journey.

We all need a bit of support and encouragement, and your healthcare journey is an incredibly important aspect of your life. If you would like extra support in this way, or know someone who would, we would love to hear from you!

Enquiring about these services is as easy as calling us on (07) 3088 2323 or sending us a message.