External Rotations Tutorial

This video is particularly helpful for our friends who have shoulder injuries or currently working on shoulder rehabilitation (or even if you have limited range of motion with your shoulders!).

Watch the video to see Exercise Physiologist Brady Schulz demonstrate External Rotations, and some modifications based on your needs.

If you think this could benefit you in your health and fitness journey, we are always happy to arrange for you a meet up with an Exercise Physiologist from our team to create a movement plan based on your exact, individual needs. Both Brady Schulz and Matthew Miller are Exercise Physiologists who can work with you in a gym setting in Toowoomba (or in clinic), and we have Exercise Physiologist Stuart Bartlett and Anna Rogers assisting clients from the Brisbane, Ipswich, Brisbane Valley and Lockyer Valley areas.

(To inquire of these services, give our friendly team a call on (07) 3088 2323 or flick us a message.